The BA Photography WIP exhibition was the first opportunity to showcase our work as a cohort. It was one of my favourite uni experiences and lit a flame under me, fuelling a desire to place my work in the public arena on a more frequent basis.
The whole university journey has raised questions about the value of higher education, the art world and where I (and other black artists) fit in, but it's also been a catalyst for my personal growth. I'm in a better position to defend my art and overcome any misplaced feelings of imposter syndrome; I validate the work I produce.
Promoting positive representations of my black and brown brothers is central to my practice and one which has featured in the majority of my work throughout university, and will do on the other side. I'm approaching the end of year two and my dissertation, a scary time, but I'm determined to see it through.
The exhibition took place at;
Copeland Park and Bussey Building
133 Copeland Rd
London, SE15 3SN
18 - 20 March 2022
On display: